Thursday, July 10, 2008

A poll, or two

I need your help, fellow San Diegans. I need a handyman referral. Anyone know a great handyman? We have some house projects that are beyond Scott's or my (very limited) knowledge.

I was recently comparing local eateries with some friends. One of my only complaints about San Diego is the lack of really great restaurants. But we get stuck in our rut of usual take-out places. So where are your favorite places to eat? Big chain or little hole-in-the-wall, and don't care about the genre. I'll start -
Chinese - Chopsticks by Target and Alby's. Better than Panda, but pretty sure there's something better out there.
Mexican - haven't found the "it"place yet. And Mexican is my favorite food. I have to go to 'Zona for good Mexican!
Sushi - Japan House on Scripps Poway. Pretty good.
Sandwiches - Panera is yummy, but anyone know a better one?
Cake - Nothing Bundt Cake. Holy cow, their white chocolate raspberry makes me happy.
Whole Lotta Yogurt -I just went here the other nite. It's the place that Jen and Melissa love. Wow, that tart yogurt is good stuff! No wonder you guys are there so much! Yummy!

So where do you like to eat?

When Jill and Spencer come to visit...

We swing, take wagon rides, and play in the backyard for hours.

We are patriotic on the 4th of July. We also swim and BBQ, but forget the camera.

We go to the beach. The camera made it there, but never got out of the bag.

We read uplifting material. Or, at least Spencer does.
If I knew how to edit pictures, I'd make his shorts longer. Hope you don't mind me posting your G show, Spencer! Sexy legs!

And we try to take a cute kids' picture. This is the best one we got!
Avery (2), Logan (8 months), Jill, Soleil (1), me, and Caden (3).

Jill and I were roommates when I met and dated Scott. (We both met our hubbies the same nite.) She is my cousin, but more importantly a great friend. She not only gets my sense of humor, she enjoys it! (right, Jill??) I loved having them with us. Avery called Caden her best friend (how cute!), and he has been asking for her since they left. Come back soon, guys! Whenever you need to escape the heat!