Caden started Pepp this year. Pepp is a pre-kindergarten program that our school district has for the late-fall birthday kids, since our birthday cut-off date is in December! It gives them another year to mature and grow before kindergarten. It is only held at a couple of elementary schools, so we were lucky to get in at all. Caden loves his class and his teacher! Caden's good friend Brennan is also in his class, along with some kids from his preschool, so that helped with the transition. He's never really been a clingy kid, and on the first day, he marched right into his classroom without a look back. I, however, did leak out a couple of teardrops. I can't believe he is at the big kids school now. It is still tripping me out that my baby is almost 5, and for all intents and purposes, in kindergarten! How did this happen so fast??!!
Caden and Brennan
Soleil started preschool this year. She LOVES it!! Her teacher is amazing! She also has some friends from church in her class, so it helps seeing familiar faces. I was worried about the potty issue with her, but after the first week, it hasn't been an issue. Hallelujah!
I am loving my 9 hours/week to myself. It's so nice to get the car smog-checked and grocery shop by myself! ;->