Monday, March 10, 2008

Tagged again

10 years ago I was: a junior in college, dating lots of boys ;->, having lots of fun. I think everyone should go away to college, for the very least of experiencing the fun social aspect in addition to gaining a higher education. (Of course!) I LOVED college...all 5 years of it! ;->

Things on my to-do list today: the laundry (check), exchange 2 pairs of Soleil's shoes I bought too small (check, and ended up buying more - ugh!), get Caden's hair cut (check - he's so cute), play outside and do a little gardening (check), get house cleaned (check, thanks to Ms. Recendic and friends), start packing (check), talk to girlfriends (check). Wow...I got a lot done today!

4 things I would do if I became a billionaire: invest, invest, invest....and pay off my mortgage. And all the other usual philanthropic donations - although I tend towards children's hospitals. Go St. Jude's!!

3 bad habits: Caffeine. I love to sleep too much. And shop too much. And eat too much...oh wait, how many habits?

5 jobs I have had: clothes retail, customer service and sales rep, photographer, sales account rep, MOM!!!

6 things people don't know about me: aren't I an open book?
1. I am extremely flexible. Without any sort of stretching, I can do the splits 3 different ways. Lucky Scott!
2. I LOVE the theatre. I will go to any show, any time, anywhere!
3. I play the piano. I will NOT play in church, so don't ask! I took lessons for over a decade, but it's been longer since I played consistently.
4. I love reading the smut magazines. So bad, so addicting. People, Star, In Touch. I don't buy them (well, hardly ever), but I still love reading them at the salon. 
5. I almost moved to London. I had my apartment packed up into a storage unit and was getting ready to go, without a job or place to live, when I got the unquestionable impression to move to SLC and live with my cousin. One of the first times I obeyed unquestioning....and met Scott 1 month later.
6. But I still want to live in London some day. Or any place Europe. One day.

I tag Jill, Cathy, Diane, and anyone else who wants to play!


diane said...

I've never done one of these and I don't think anyone wants to know all this stuff about me but here goes!

Jill said...

I'll do the post. Fun. But I don't have any bad habits...yeah right. Congrats to Star!!

Jill said...

PS-I'm so glad you moved to SLC with me. That is one of the highlights of my life.