Sunday, March 23, 2008

While I'm online, blogging, and no one is bothering me....

...I'll keep going.
Caden was sick today. High fever and very lethargic. I hate it when my kids are sick (like all moms). Since he obviously wasn't going to church today, Soleil stayed home as well. I'm sad we didn't get an Easter picture of everyone dolled up in their new outfits, but maybe next week. Scott spoke in sac. mtg, and I didn't get to hear him. Hey - those who did hear him, how'd he do? After he spoke, we switched, he came home and I went to nursery. It was like a Children's Place fashion show in there. SO cute!
Caden and I took another trip to the e.r. this week. How many times can you take your child into the same e.r. before they start reporting you to Social Services? This is our second time. I was taking a plate out of the microwave when it slipped out of my hand, and came crashing down on his nose. Right between his eyes on the bridge of his nose. It was a bleeder. Poor guy! And oh, the Mom guilt!
Caden had to have the blanket wrapped around him at breakfast - not that he ate a single bite. Soleil polished off his pancake, and Caden went back to laying down. Poor guy. I really hope he's better tomorrow.

Here's Caden from a couple of weeks ago. He "dressed" himself for church. This is his cheese face - as in he says cheese until you take the picture. How cute is he??
Onto other completely different thoughts:
On a scale of 1-10, how cheesy is it to match your daughter? I don't have 2 girls to dress alike, and so to quench that matchy-match part of me, sometime I coordinate Soleil and I. Is that cheesy?
This is us in our should-have-been St. Patrick Day's dresses.

We aren't really matchy here, but it's a cute photo. I was trying to get a picture of her cute outfit, but you can't see any of the embellishments. It's all tulips. How spring-y! I love girl clothes!
And since I need to post a picture of Scott too....
"I'm so glad when Daddy comes home!"
Hope you all have a great week!


Judy said...

Great pictures. I remember when Michele was 3 and broke her leg running into a pile of full wheat sacks that came tumbling down on her. How do you explain that one to the e.r. people?

Danni said...

Your kids are so cute and Sunshine, you look so pretty in these pictures!!

Alicia said...

LOVE the pictures! Scott gave a great talk in church. He brought in all the important points about the atonement and it was a really good talk. I even overheard some people talking about how funny he was and how good the talk was. Good Job! :)

diane said...

I love the matching clothes...cheesy or not! Caden's pictures are such a contrast. Sad, little sick boy face and big grin.

Jen said...

I love that you and Soleil match! I agree that Scott's talk was a great Easter talk. Bummer that you missed it. I hope Caden feels better quickly. Especially given the fun time you guys are bound to have this next week.

Maree said...

I REALLY hope you guys don't have some of that awful illness we had a few weeks ago! Caden looks so sad! The ER lets you come in a few times before they wonder about CPS--you MIGHT want to injure Soleil next time though! JOKING! Scott gave a great talk, what I was able to hear. And I think it's GREAT to match your daughter--match the boys to each other too and have a real cheese-fest.

Danni said...

So this is kinda lame, but thank you so much for your comment. I think you are the only person besides Eric, my mom & sister who have told me I look great. Even if I don't, its nice to hear after having a baby!
Your family really is just darling and I can't believe how much they are growing up!

Christin said...

Scott's talk was great. He looked so calm and natural up there. I wish I could pull that off. I think mother-daughter coordinating is cute as long as it stops before they reach Young Women's. If I ever have a daughter I'll probably do it too. Sometimes I even unintentionally dress Chase to coordinate with me. I hope I don't give him a complex.

Kierstin said...

I love the matching outfits-so cute! And I am so sorry that Caden was sick, is he feeling better? I hope so! I am positive that Scott gave an awesome talk, it is a bummer you couldn't be there though!

diane said...

Go to Alex's blog link on my page. She gave you a shout out today. You're famous!!

Sunshine said...

I love the matching's amazing how often it just planning...just a pink/red/purple's unfortunate when the boys get thrown into the mix on a pink day!

Sara LaClaire said...

so i'm missing you guys more than ever! i'm so jealous i'm not in any of your pictures cause we used to spend soooo much time together. :-( sorry we keep missing each other on the phone. one of these days we'll make it work. ps. LOVE love love the green dress.