Sunday, October 14, 2007

The 3rd Decade

So I'm 30 now. That age has always sounded so old to me. Officially settled down. Not like I haven't been "settled down" for the last few years...married, 2 kids, minivan, mortgage...but somehow I always took solace in the fact that I was still in my twenties. No longer. I am a 30 year old, minivan-driving, suburban, stay at home mom. Wow, that happened fast. Did I really graduate from high school 12 years ago? Freshman year at ASU doesn't seem like that long ago.

Well at least I've lived to see 30. I consider that an accomplishment in it's own right. But what have I really achieved in my 30 years on this earth? I have a college degree, that's good. I married a wonderful (and older!) man who puts up with my crap. That's even better. Plus I have 2 hilarious, loving kids. I've been to Hawaii 4 times, Europe once, Mexico too many times to count, and all over the continential U.S. I have dear friends near and far, and so much family that in the 4 1/2 years of marriage, Scott has only begun to meet them all. (scary, isn't it?) And I'm healthy. I have to list that, because even with all that this body has gone through, I can still get frustrated at it/me. I need to remind myself of where I could be instead of complaining about where I am. If only I could lay off the Dr. Pepper....

Turning 30 is supposed to be a milestone, but frankly I don't feel any different. I don't feel 30. And thankfully, I don't look it either. Vain, I know, but hey - there'd better be one advantage to having extremely oily skin! Besides, when I'm out with the kids, I get comments fairly often about how young I must have been when I started having kids. Ha - by Mormon standards, I started late at 27. Maybe it's the next decade that you feel it AND look it. I'll let you know in 10 years.

This weekend I went out with the Girlfriends for my birthday dinner. This time the conversation didn't seem so rushed to me. Maybe that's because we had just gone out last month and had talked for hours. With no kids to distract us, it always seems like we just talk and talk as fast as possible to get it all out until next time. Maybe we should just go out once a month - get all that "talk" out. One of the Girlfriends, Amy, is moving. I am sad."Only 30 minutes away," she says. I'm holding you to the occasional Tuesdays, Amy. That and beach playdates.

Here's a pix from Friday nite. Aren't the Girlfriends gorgeous! (And yes, that is 3 huge desserts we shared!) Thanks, girls!


Jen said...

Sunshine you look wonderful and no where near 30. I had a great time celebrating with you girls. I couldn't agree more, we must get together monthly. I mean come on our sanity depends on it...right?!?!

lisa said...

i should be sitting right there!!(imagine me pointing vigorusly right next to amy)you don't look 30, you look like a cool 25. exactly the same as in your wedding photo!

Watts Family said...

I am sorry that I missed the dinner. I know that I already told you that, but it looked like a lot of fun. Congrats on making it halfway to 60! I hope to see you soon maybe at the BYU game...

Amy said...

You're such an old fart!!!

Thanks again for having a birthday to give us a reason to have a girls night. I'm game for every month, infact why not every Tuesday??

*katie said...
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*katie said...

Happy 30th! Thanks for the info on the play group. David & Ethan unfortunately have colds so we're staying in doors for a bit. (I deleted my other comment with my email...) :)

Laura said...

Happy belated Birthday! I do think the 30's are the perfect time of life. You still have youth on your side, but enough experience to really appreciate all the good moments in life. It was fun to see you and Soliel today. Now you know I'm looking! :)