Thursday, October 25, 2007

Safe in San Diego

It has been a crazy, scary few days here in San Diego with all the fires. Thankfully we never had to evacuate, but the fires got within a couple of miles of us, so we were packed and ready if needed. An experience like this really makes you take stock of what is important. If we would have only had time to get us and the kids out, that would have been fine. Hard, but everything in the house, and including the house, are just things. But since we were on the edge about evacuating for a few days, I had a lot of time to mull over what to pack. There are the obvious things like important documents, photo albums, diaries. But then there are the baby books - located in a different place that any album (which themselves are spread throughout the house). Or our wedding video. And how easy is it to fit a 20x24 framed picture in the van? The insane organizer in me is disappointed that it would have been hard for us to assemble all the "irreplaceables" throughout our house. I'm making a PowerPoint list of everything we would want to grab and sticking that list in our 72 hour kits, just in case there is a next time.

Thankfully no one we know lost their home in the fires. I do feel horrible for those who did. How misplaced they must feel! Our stake is having a meeting tonight trying to house displaced members. Since we have an extra bedroom, I'm sure we'll have some house guests for awhile. I'll let you know!

And since no post is truly complete without a picture, here is all the ash that is piled up outside of our garage. I'll be power-washing for a month as the ash continues to settle!


ferntyler said...

So I guess it's time you know that I regularly stalk your blog :) I love it - your trip to New York sounded so fun, we saw Letterman a couple years ago and had SO much fun. Glad you guys are doing good. We felt so alone up here in Carmel Mountain Ranch until I realized all you Sabre Springers were still sticking strong, too!

Goodman Family said...

I am so glad you guys are safe. We have been worried about you. Thanks for updating everyone.

Brooke said...

We are glad that you are safe! I have been calling Grandmother for updates. I was figuring you were too busy to talk.

Jill said...

I've been worrying about you, and glad to hear everything is okay. Of course, if you need to practice evacuating, feel free to stop in Goodyear. I have a new guest bathroom (see my blog). Love you!

*star said...

I am glad that you did not have to evacuate. I was worried about you all.

Harper Family said...

Ash is just one of the downfalls of San Diego