We have now officially entered the princess phase. She is starting to love all things girly and pink, which is such a stark contrast to Caden and all things boy. She got so much pink stuff this birthday, it's almost the main color of the playroom! (thanks, grandparents!) Soleil still loves to play trains and throw balls, so I don't have to worry about her not being too well-rounded. Although to add to her girly-ness, she seems to have developed a love of makeup. She loves to watch me put it on and she loves to put it on herself (she doesn't know there isn't anything on Mommy's big blush brush). She loves to color - anything, this is why I have microfiber couches - and makeup is just another version of coloring, right?
Soleil LOVES animals. It seems like her favorite is an elephant. She knows most of the animals and their sounds, and will imitate them for you. She does a mean elephant, complete with hand gesture.
I love to watch my kids interact. They love to play with each other. I'm almost intrigued by their relationship, never having any close-in-age siblings myself. Soleil will walk around the house when Caden is at school yelling, "Caden, where are you?" Whenever Soleil gets in trouble, which is just starting to become more frequent, Caden will tell me to leave his sister alone. I dig the big brother vibe. I love that they watch out for each other and love each other so much.
Soleil is such a happy, easygoing kid. She has a smile and giggle for everyone. She also has a strong personality and is becoming more independent, which I am glad for and scared of all at the same time. I wonder what I'll think in 10 year's time?
I love my little girl!!
Mmm....pink frosting! Although she never did eat any of the chocolate part.
What's that about?
"I love cupcakes!"

I love this picture. It shows how "well-rounded" my baby is....trains and tutus. And princess shoes, cause every girl loves her shoes!
A big shout out and thanks to Aunt Judy for making that adorable tutu for Soleil. Since none of her 3 Grandmas do homemade crafty things like tutus, I bug my aunts to adorn my daughter in their creations. Thanks, Aunt Judy....she LOVES it!
Another thanks to Tom and Jen. I got some wonderful comments from my last post about applying for my couch warmer position (you are all hired, by the way!), but Tom and Jen actually brought over chocolate! Thanks, guys!!