Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday, Baby Girl!!

Soleil turned 1! Ok, she turned 1 two weeks ago, so I stink at promptly blogging. Sorry. I figured I had to get this up before Caden's birthday party this weekend. Then I'd really be behind. Since her birthday was in the middle of the firestorm, we celebrated low-key with our neighbors, presents and cupcakes. Not that a 1 year old needs much more! I can't believe Soleil is one already. Wow, that was a quick year! Since this is supposed to be somewhat of a journal, I thought I'd list some Soleil-isms. She growing up so quickly, if I don't write them down, they'll be gone and forgotten.

Moves: while she still isn't walking, this girl can MOVE!! Maybe that's why she's not walking yet; she is an incredibly fast crawler. And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree - whenever Soleil hears music, she starts dancing! I love it! Already I'm having images of her in black leotards with pink tights, her hair piled into a bun, and practicing her plies in the reflection of our fireplace. While I don't want to ever push my kids into a sport of activity they aren't interested in, I REALLY hope Soleil dances. I loved dancing so much - still do. Too bad there's not a class for has-been, used-to-dance moms with a little extra baby weight to work off. But this post isn't about me....Anyways, Soleil is just starting to stand unassisted for a few seconds, so I think she'll be walking in no time. Which means she'll be into more stuff than now, if that's possible. I got so used to Caden - he wasn't interested in the cupboard under my bathroom sink. I can't keep her outta there! Hmm...maybe because that's where my makeup is. She is a girl; maybe she's already wanting to get dolled-up!

Foods: Soleil didn't stay interested in baby food for long. She has always wanted to feed herself - as long as it's not on a spoon. No yogurt or applesauce or oatmeal. Favorites of hers are fruit leather, bananas, any kind of cookie (seriously, this apple hit the tree on the way down!), pancakes and waffles (although I try to give it to her sans syrup, justify it as healthier somehow), peas (she squishes them, then eats them), quesadillas, chicken nuggets, lunch meat, hot dogs, and she just tried PB&J for the first time and loved it! I wish this were a healthier list. Sigh.

Words and Gestures: she definately babbles a lot. Not much is coherent. She does say hi and wave - so cute! Caden and I were singing "Ring Around the Rosy" in the car today, and she sang along with us in her own little language. She also has been giving lots of sideways thumbs-up's. Don't know where she got that gesture, but she sticks out her thumb then holds her hand like she's giving "daps." Cute until she sticks her thumb up your nose or into your eye, just hopefully not in that order.

She has been good at sleeping through the night lately -YEAH - although now that I typed this, she'll have a horrible night tonight. Murphy's law. I'm actually surprised at how great she's been sleeping - she, like Caden, is a late teether. She got her first tooth just in time for our New York trip a month ago, and is getting 3 more teeth right now. Her poor gums look so sore, but she never complains. That's another great thing about this precious girl. She is the happiest baby! She smiles all the time and rarely cries or is upset. And this girl is TOUGH! Maybe this is how most second kids are, but she puts up with a lot from Caden without complaint. I don't think Caden would act the same if the roles were reversed. That's another reason why I can't wait for her to walk. Then she can really stand on her own! ;->

This little girl brings me so much joy! She is so fun and loving. I am so thankful for her and her sweet personality. And I'm so excited to watch her grow up and into the wonderful person I know she'll be.

Ok - sorry for the sappiness. It had to be said. P.S. This picture is her first "ponytail." If you look closely at the top of her head, you can see it. A little wisp of hair.


Jen said...

You know I just love Soleil. She is such a doll! Wow....she is growing fast. I can't wait for pigtails next. Girls are just so fun and cute, but so so SASSY!

Watts Family said...

Oh, my gosh! I am so sad that we missed you last weekend, but hope that you had a great visit with your dad. Soleil is so sweet and I love the ponytail or the attempt at one. She is so cute and I hope to see you guys soon.

*katie said...

Happy birthday Soleil! Wow, time does fly! I'm thinking we're going to have waffles for dinner tonight and I'll have to give a few small bites to the boys--definitely without syrup!

Kierstin said...

What a sweet post about Soleil, she is so cute! I love her pony tail...and I can definitely see her with a bun on her head and a little dance outfit! I can't believe she is 1 already...time goes by way too fast! Love you guys!

Harper Family said...

What a joy Soleil is. My favorite thing about her is her big beautiful smile.